Sunday, May 5, 2019

Is Days Gone Really as Bad as the Reviews Say?

Before I begin, I like this game, but the reviewers seem to have had a bunch of problems, It currently sits at 72 on Metacritic, it's not terrible, but it's kinda like a mess... I definitely think it deserves higher than that.

They had a bunch of different problems, one of them is a problem lots of peoples mentioned because its a problem quite universally suffered in games these days, it's glitches and bugs and problems like technical issues.

I don't really think it's all that bad apart from one glaring thing.

I bought it last night and played it for a few hours both last night and in this morning, when I installed I didn't wait for the update and just went straight into it, and it ran fine, then I had a one crash which was like a bummer because I was in the middle of a cutscenes, I think it was between at the end of the cutscenes which was pretty annoying.

But when I updated it I haven't seen anything like that, I don't want to defend saying I will just finish your game afterward, but to me glitches and stuff I'd rather that be the biggest problems because it's the easiest to fix.

I think it's hard and unfortunately, it is something that I have kind of come to accept this case with modern day video games, I wish it wasn't the case I wish all the games come out without this case and run perfectly.

It's especially difficult with the open-world games 
with the variables and so many things in the world and so many interacting systems that interact with each other.

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